Research posters
Everymind posters
"A race to the bottom": Refugee advocate perceptions of media and political rhetoric in Australia
Authors: Natasha Harding, Dr Sally Fitzpatrick, Professor Lynne McCormack (UoN)
Authors: Dr Elizabeth Paton, Dr Jennifer Peprah, Emma Pryse Jones, Melinda Benson
Families and caregivers
Authors: Dr Sally Fitzpatrick, Dr Philippa Ditton-Phare, Ms Laura Hanlon
Family and friends supporting the mental health of paramedics: An ongoing pilot study
Authors: Dr Philippa Ditton-Phare, Dr Jose Cuenca, Dr Elloyse Fitzgeraldson, Lyndon Bell, Elle Glassic, Chloe Brown, Laura Hanlon, Kristen Vallender, Dr Sally Fitzpatrick