The Way Back Information Resources
In 2013, Beyond Blue funded Everymind to work with them to develop evidence-based information resources for:
- people who have attempted suicide
- family and close friends of people who have attempted suicide
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
The Way Back Information Resources Project reports
Consultation report
As part of The Way Back Information Resources Project, Everymind undertook in-depth interviews with individuals who had attempted suicide and people who had provided support to family members or friends that had attempted suicide.
Participants were recruited through Beyond Blue’s blueVoices and Suicide Prevention Australia, and consisted of people who had attempted suicide, family members or friends of a person who had attempted suicide, and people who fell into both categories
Final Report on the development of a resource for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities
This report provided an overview of the work undertaken to develop a written information resource for people in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities following a suicide attempt. It included summaries of background literature reviews, scans of existing similar resources and consultations with sector stakeholders. It also included a description of the composition and work undertaken by the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Reference Group that was specifically formed to guide the drafting of the resource.
Final Project Report on The Way Back Information Resources Project
The final report summarised of all aspects of the work undertaken including background literature reviews, scans of existing similar resources and consultations with sector stakeholders. It also included recommendations for dissemination of the resources produced by the project, as well as suggestions for their further development and evaluation.