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Strategic suicide prevention priority setting workshop

Strategic suicide prevention priority setting workshop

Everymind, in partnership with Hunter New England Local Health District, HMRI Healthy Minds Research Program and Hunter New England Central Coast Primary Health Network, will hold a strategic suicide prevention planning priority workshop in the Manning, Hunter and New England regions to develop a collaborative plan for action.

Workshop on co-designing resources for carers supporting someone experiencing suicidal distress

Workshop on co-designing resources for carers supporting someone experiencing suicidal distress

Everymind will hold a workshop on co-designing resources at the Roses in the Ocean Lived Experience Summit with people with lived and living experience of suicidal distress, their family and friends, and the services who support them.

New online program for family and friends supporting the mental health of Australia’s paramedics

New online program for family and friends supporting the mental health of Australia’s paramedics

To help support family and friends of paramedics Everymind has developed a new, free online program and is currently seeking participants to help test it.

Free online support for family and friends of someone who has attempted suicide

Free online support for family and friends of someone who has attempted suicide

Everymind has launched a free online program to help family and friends supporting someone who has attempted suicide.

30-year milestone for Everymind

30-year milestone for Everymind

Everymind, a nationally connected and respected mental health and suicide prevention institute, is commemorating 30 years of delivering community-focused programs, research and training.

New mental health project to help small agribusiness in rural Australia

New mental health project to help small agribusiness in rural Australia

Everymind is at the AgQuip Field Days in Gunnedah this week to launch a new wellbeing project for small business owners in rural agriculture, forestry and fishing industries.

Online support program for family day care goes national

Online support program for family day care goes national

Everymind has launched its free professional development program for family day care educators, managers and coordinators nationally, with the support of Family Day Care Australia.

Vale Professor Emeritus Richard Warwick Blood (1947-2022)

Vale Professor Emeritus Richard Warwick Blood (1947-2022)

The staff of Everymind are saddened to learn of the passing of Professor Emeritus R. Warwick Blood. Warwick was a true scholar, a leader in journalism and communication and someone who was generous with his time and knowledge.

Help design a new online program for family and friends supporting paramedics

Help design a new online program for family and friends supporting paramedics

To better support paramedics experiencing mental ill-health and suicidal behaviour, Everymind is seeking the help of their family and friends to design a new online program.

New staffing opportunities as program demand increases

New staffing opportunities as program demand increases

Everymind is looking to significantly bolster its workforce as demand and funding for its programs increase at both national and state levels.

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