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Strategic suicide prevention priority setting workshop

Everymind, in partnership with Hunter New England Local Health District, HMRI Healthy Minds Research Program and Hunter New England Central Coast Primary Health Network, will hold strategic suicide prevention planning priority workshops to develop a collaborative plan for action.

Community members, including people with lived and living experience of suicide, service providers and clinicians, researchers and academics are invited to take part in the workshop. Outcomes from the workshops will help to set a shared agenda for local suicide prevention collaboration and inform local service planning and commissioning.

The workshops aim to provide local community members the opportunity to share their knowledge and experience about local needs, service and practice pressure in suicide prevention. Participants are encouraged to discuss solutions and existing strengths as well as capabilities that need to be developed.

After the workshops, a summary report will be provided to attendees, with a joint report and action plan.

“We must first understand the experiences and needs of people with lived and living experiences of suicide in the Manning region in order to collaboratively discuss solutions and build on existing strengths for this region,”

says Everymind director, Dr Jaelea Skehan OAM.

“There is lots of activity in suicide prevention, but it is not always 'joined up' or driven by a good understanding of local concerns or systems. Often we could get better outcomes by working collaboratively with the people who know their community best.”

Two workshops will be held in the Hunter and New England. The workshop contributions will guide a plan to action for suicide prevention for these regions.

To register or show interest in participating in these workshops, please visit:

Register for the Hunter region workshop

Register for the New England region workshop

Published: 7 July 2023

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