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New mental health project to help small agribusiness in rural Australia

Everymind is at the AgQuip Field Days in Gunnedah this week to launch a new wellbeing project for small business owners in rural agriculture, forestry and fishing industries.

The Rural Agribusiness Wellbeing Project aims to help Australian small business owners in rural and remote areas take action on their mental health through the co-design of an interactive online wellbeing plan tailored to their specific needs.

"Small business owners in rural and remote Australia face unique challenges such as natural disasters, physically demanding work and limited access to mental health support. This is in addition to the typical challenges faced by all small businesses like working long hours, financial stress and feeling obligated to work when unwell," said Everymind Business Manager, Tina Fox.

“Our new project aims to help small agribusiness owners make a plan for their wellbeing, in the same way that they already make plans for bushfires and floods.”

Tina Fox - Everymind Business Manager

If you run a small business in rural agriculture, fishing and forestry, you can take part in the new project through a short five-minute online survey. You can also help co-design the wellbeing plan by providing feedback on the draft version via interview.

Small business owners who would like to help reduce stigma and break down the barriers that prevent others from seeking help, can also participate in a video series to be filmed in early 2023.

The wellbeing plan and video series will be featured on the Ahead for Business digital hub, which provides tailored resources for small business owners to take action on their mental health.

More information:

Published: 17 August 2022

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