A framework for suicide prevention

Developed by Everymind, Prevention First (adapted): A Framework for Suicide Prevention encourages strategic and coordinated suicide prevention action.

For the most part, preventative approaches to suicide adopt a framework originally developed by Mrazek and Haggerty to describe mental health interventions, which were later applied to suicide prevention. This is reflected in the Living Is For Everyone (LIFE) Framework that has underpinned suicide prevention activities in Australia since 2007.

The Prevention First (adapted) Framework includes:

  • A focus on the preventative activity
    This involves preventing the onset of suicidal behaviour (primary prevention), intervening early and effectively to reduce suicidal behaviour (secondary prevention and early intervention), lowering the impact of suicide (postvention) and promoting wellbeing

  • A focus on the broad population groups to be targeted
    This includes the whole community, individuals at risk, individuals experiencing a suicidal crisis, and individuals and communities affected by suicide.

The Framework can help people conceptualise different stages in the development of suicidal thoughts and behaviour: from someone with no difficulties, to non-specific problems or signs, to a person exhibiting suicidal behaviour, to the impact of suicidal behaviour on others. It also allows people to conceptualise the types of interventions required at these different stages.

Prevention First (adapted): A Framework for Suicide Prevention

Everymind Prevention First (Adapted) Framework

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A Framework for Prevention and Promotion

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