Our work in mental health and suicide prevention
Leaders in mental health and suicide prevention
More than ever before our communities are engaged with the issues of mental health and suicide prevention. The time is right to capitalise on that interest and set a vision for Australia which involves not only the health sector, but every sector and every community.
A proactive, collaborative, whole-of-life approach can enable more people to live happier and healthier lives. Everyone has a role to play in mental health and suicide prevention – but leadership is needed to show people how they can contribute, and to assist them to acquire the knowledge and skills they need.
Our work includes:
- Promoting effective, prevention-focused action that complements treatment and recovery approaches
- Building the capability of diverse workforces to apply best-practice knowledge in their work
- Developing policies that put prevention knowledge into practice – informed by the needs of diverse sectors, workforces and communities
- Increasing the understanding of the link between the prevention of mental ill-health, prevention of suicide, and the prevention of other health and behavioural risks
- Developing, testing and implementing scalable prevention and stigma-reduction programs
- Leading best-practice communication program that reduce stigma, prevent harm and increase help-seeking
- Contributing to the evidence base with a focus on translational research and implementation science.
Everymind partners with national and state commissions and departments of health, primary health networks, other mental health organisations, diverse sectors and governments, as well as those with lived or living experience of mental health concerns and suicide.
The skills of our diverse and passionate team include:
- Translating evidence into scalable prevention programs and practical resources
- Delivering tailored responses to the prevention of mental ill-health and suicide at a regional and national level
- Working with a range of health and non-health sectors, communities and partners
- Workforce development – including the development and delivery of workforce plans, pre-service curriculum approaches, and training packages
- Policy development – including whole of community responses as well as workplace, school and media responses
- Translational research and program evaluation
- Strategic communication and stakeholder management.
We have research partnerships with:
- University of Newcastle, Priority Research Centre for Mental Health and the Centre for Resources, Health and Safety
- University of NSW (and the Black Dog Institute)
- Manna Institute (formerly RAMHeaRT)
- The Matilda Centre
- Hunter New England Local Health District
- Hunter Medical Research Institute (HMRI).
We are competent and experienced in working with a broad range of mental health initiatives, services and programs such as:
- Health services, emergency services, community and family services and non-government organisations
- Educational settings- including schools, early childhood services, universities and registered training organisations
- Media and communication organisations
- Workplaces and industries, including small businesses
- Governments and policymakers
- Families and carers
- Research institutions
- People with a lived or living experience of mental health concerns or suicide, with a particular focus on families and carers
- Communities - including priority populations such as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, people who identify as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender or Intersex, and those from a culturally and linguistically diverse background.