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Everymind welcomes start of 2019 National Suicide Prevention Conference

The week ahead is set to be a busy one for the mental health and suicide prevention sector with more than 700 delegates due to arrive in Melbourne today ahead of the 2019 National Suicide Prevention Conference (NSPC), which runs Tuesday 23 July to Thursday 25 July.

A total of nine Everymind staff are scheduled to present at the conference, which is considered one of the most important national suicide prevention events of the year.

Topics include research, the National Communications Charter (The Charter), new work in alcohol and other drugs, local suicide prevention trials and rural and remote support. Everymind Director, Jaelea Skehan will also be presenting throughout the event, including an opening address and two presentations on the #YouCanTalk campaign.

Ms Skehan said as sector collaboration and partnerships continue to be a strategic priority for Everymind it was a natural fit for the Institute to be the inaugural Principal Sponsor of NSPC.

“We are fortunate in that we have two important initiatives, Life in Mind and Mindframe, both of which are funded through the National Suicide Prevention Leadership and Support Program which has enabled us to take on the role of Principal Sponsor at the conference,” Ms Skehan said.

“With the theme of this year’s conference being ‘united in action’, I am looking forward to seeing important discussions and collaborations take place in the week ahead.”

In addition to an Everymind booth and a Life in Mind booth, there will also be a National Communications Charter Hub where delegates can learn more about The Charter, sign, share and participate in videos.

The Hub has been established to continue the work of the #SupportTheCharter campaign, which was launched at the start of July to encourage individuals to support, share and promote the National Communications Charter.

A list of presentations by Everymind representatives are outlined below:

Tuesday, 23 July9am-10.30amGrand BallroomMs Jaelea Skehan, Director, EverymindOpening address
Tuesday, 23 July10.35am-10.52amSoapboxMs Jaelea Skehan, Director, EverymindYouCanTalk campaign alongside Beyond Blue CEO Georgie Harman and Leilani Darwin of CBPATSISP
Wednesday, 24 July2.36pm– 3pmGrand Ballroom 3Mr Simon Pont, Suicide Prevention Project Lead, EverymindOnline communication in suicide prevention
Wednesday, 24 July3.52pm – 4.14pmGrand Ballroom 3Ms Alexandra Culloden, Suicide Prevention Project Lead, Everymind Mindframe Plus – regional communities and safe suicide communication
Thursday, 25 July9am-11amState Room 3Mr Simon Pont, Suicide Prevention Project Lead, EverymindLife in Mind and Quality Improvement Program – Suicide Prevention Australia
Mr Simon Pont
Thursday, 25 July11.30am–11.52amGrand Ballroom 4Ms Jaelea Skehan, Director, Everymind#YouCanTalk United in Action to Help the Community Take a More Active Role in
Thursday, 25 July11.30am– 11.52amGrand Ballroom 1-2Ms Brydie Jameson, Senior Project Officer, MindframeMindframe Alcohol and Other Drugs
Thursday, 25 July12.14pm– 12.36pmGrand Ballroom 4Ms Alexandra Culloden, Suicide Prevention Project Lead, EverymindFrom National Policy to Local Level Implementation: The Journey of the National Communications Charter
Thursday, 25 July12.36pm-1pmGrand Ballroom 4Dr Katie McGill, EverymindTargeted Suicide Prevention Media Campaigns in Lifespan Trial Sites: What Worked and what Didn’t

For reflections on NSPC19, please visit:

To learn how to support, share and promote The Charter, please visit:

Published: 22 July 2019

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