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Welfare of anaesthetists - a new focus for Everymind

There are a number of unique risk factors faced by anaesthetists, which can have an effect on their mental health and wellbeing.

Over the next three days, Everymind Director Jaelea Skehan will present on comprehensive workplace approaches to mental health and wellbeing as part of a new research project to support the welfare of anaesthetists.

The Welfare of Anaesthetists Special Interest Group is leading a new project, Long lives. Healthy workplaces, supported by the Australian Society of Anaesthetists and Everymind, to develop an evidence-based response to the mental health and wellbeing of anaesthetists and anaesthetic trainees.

Ahead of the presentations, Jaelea Skehan talked about the importance of working with professional groups to address specific need.

“This particular project seeks to support Anaesthetic Departments to look at their overall approach, to identify strengths and current gaps, and to take a comprehensive approach to addressing the issues of mental health in the workplace.

“We know that the best workplace mental health approaches are comprehensive in nature and address the specific challenges for that professional group or workplace.

“We are really pleased to be working in partnership with the Australian Society of Anaesthetists to progress this important piece of work, and engaging with people at the meeting over the next three days.” said Jaelea.

A second presentation will be delivered on Saturday that focuses on communicating about suicide and supporting those impacted.

The presentations will be made as part of the 14th annual Combined Communication, Education, Welfare, Leadership and Management Special Interest Group (SIG) Meeting held from 27 – 29 October in the Sunshine Coast. The annual meeting theme Confident competence: Creating and maintaining our abilities will focus on how anaesthetists can maintain their skills at a high level, from the beginning to the end of their careers, despite the challenges life throws at them.

As part of the event, Everymind will also be meeting with members of the national steering committee and conducting a number of small focus groups for the Long Lives, Healthy Workplaces project, which will link with other federally funded research being co-led by Everymind to improve the mental health and wellbeing of doctors and medical students.

For more information about our work with anaesthetists

Friday 27 October 2:00 -3:30pm:

Opening plenary: The role of happiness in the pursuit of a confident and competent workforce

Chair: Dr Marion Andrew

  • Living well, working well: A comprehensive workplace approach to mental health and wellbeing - Jaelea Skehan
  • Happy workers make safe workers - Carolyn Canfield

Saturday 28 October 1:30-3:00:

Welfare SIG session: Suicide in acute care medics, prevention and consequences

Chair: Dr Tracey Tay

  • Conversations Matter: A workshop on communicating about suicide and supporting those impacted - Jaelea Skehan
  • The black dog runs at night - Dr Andy Tagg
  • Postvention: a guideline for after a sudden death - Dr Cath Purdy

See more

Published: 26 October 2017