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New website released as part of National Suicide and Self-Harm Monitoring System

The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) together with the National Mental Health Commission (NMHC), have released a website today which marks an important step towards establishing a centralised location for all suicide and intentional self-harm data.

The website is part of the first suicide and self-harm monitoring system to support the national goal of working towards zero suicides.

Funded by the Australian Government, it will house data collected from sources such as the Australian Bureau of Statistics as well as coronial offices and state and territory ambulance services which will assist in identifying trends and areas of concern for action.

Everymind’s Acting Director, Associate Professor Carmel Loughland, said the Institute welcomed the release of the website and what it represents for the suicide prevention sector.

“This website release signifies important progress which will aid the whole of sector in applying a focused lens to areas throughout the country that require our attention,” Associate Professor Carmel said.

“Preventing suicide is a national priority and the National Suicide and Self-Harm Monitoring System supports governments, services, and communities to better respond to suicide and self-harm.

“This initial step of having a central location for all important data isn’t just important for prioritising policy, but for informing the delivery of projects to ensure we are supporting the most vulnerable members of community when and where they need it most.”

“It is a source of pride to note that both of our initiatives Life in Mind and Mindframe have played a role guiding and supporting the delivery of this website.”

The website is only one part of the project, with data improvement and enhanced data sharing also an important part of the system.

The system was developed by the AIHW with the NMHC and an Expert Advisory Group including representation from people with lived experience of suicide, government representatives, researchers and suicide prevention sector representatives.

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Published: 29 September 2020

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