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Developing a Department of Anaesthesia Good Mental Health Model

There are a number of risk factors faced by anaesthetists that can result in poor mental health.

The good news is that the Welfare of Anaesthetists Special Interest Group (SIG) is leading a new project, Long lives. Healthy workplaces. The project is funded by Australian Society of Anaesthetists and supported by Everymind, to develop an evidence-based response to the mental health and wellbeing of anaesthetists and anaesthetic trainees.

Everymind has been consulting with stakeholders and has conducting further focus groups and individual interviews with professionals at the John Hunter and Westmead Hospitals during December as part of the project. The project will link with other federally-funded research being co-led by Everymind to address mental ill-health among doctors and medical students.

The long term goal of Long lives. Healthy workplaces is to support mental health and wellbeing, and to prevent mental ill-health and suicidal behaviour amongst anaesthetists and anaesthetic trainees. This is not only important for the individuals concerned, but also for the quality and safety of care provided for patients and families.

For more information, visit:

Published: 20 December 2017

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