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Contribute to our work by sharing your lived experience perspective

Many people within our communities have lived experience of suicide – be that through having experienced suicidal thoughts, survived a suicide attempt, cared for someone through suicidal crisis, or being bereaved through suicide.

With the support of Roses in the Ocean, Everymind is seeking people with a lived experience of suicide to share their voice and contribute their lived experience perspective, in an ongoing role, to help inform a variety of prevention-focused initiatives.

According to Everymind Acting Director, Associate Professor Carmel Loughland, lived experience insight is invaluable and critical to the development of fit-for-purpose programs and resources.

“We know that those with lived experience of suicide have, and continue to, play a critical role in guiding how we talk about these issues and how we respond as services and communities when it comes to suicide prevention,” Associate Professor Loughland said.

“The personal experience and understanding of their journey can guide prevention planning, treatment, and education and we are committed to working in partnership with the communities we serve, including those who have personal experience of mental ill-health and suicide.

“Every individual brings a different set of knowledge and experiences to a conversation which is why we are reaching out in partnership with Roses in the Ocean to engage and develop an advisory group that supports our work moving forward.”

“If you have lived experience, your voice has the opportunity to play an important role guiding suicide prevention activity nationally.”

There are a number of opportunities and projects available which those with lived experience are encouraged to contribute to, including:

  • Qualitative research interviews
  • Co-design groups and feedback
  • Document review
  • Lived Experience Advisory Group.

Download the information flyer

Workshop Flyer Everymind

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Published: 9 July 2020

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